Sunday, September 9, 2007

Score one for Karma

In my Continuing struggle to be a better person I must say the past several days have actually have gone well. A few weeks ago a disparaging comment about someone I knew and wasn't terribly pleased with was made, and I refrained from making a chatty remark. It was an easy shot and normally I would take it but because I was not pleased with the individual it would have been more hurtful and vicious than other wise would have been. So I opted instead to say nothing. I was literally biting my tongue not to say anything.

This weekend afforded me the opportunity to loose my cool and just get pissed off. Several things at the contest went wrong. Not on our end but the organizers were less than organized. It rained and they were doing the best they could. I felt myself getting irritated and about to just start bitching loudly but instead I said to myself, "you can't do anything but wait, so wait." I did I just took information as it came to me asked for clarification when one tid bit didn't match what someone had said 5 minutes earlier. It actually worked out much better than I had expected. I think the best moment I had was when we were trapped in a hall waiting to load and another band had their truck blocking an entrance and taking their sweet time I just looked for solutions instead of bitching about the idiot band that is selfishly blocking an area and leaving several bands to wait in a downpour. We actually got all of our stuff loaded and out before the band ahead of us that was blocking. Of course Special K was just standing around looking like a twit that didn't know what was going on. It really didn't occur to me till this moment that she was utterly useless during all that. I believe her only contribution was, "I really don't know what to do till they move." Maybe I am just used to her being useless or I was just in such a mode of problem solving and letting things roll off my back that I just didn't notice.

The last thing is just something someone did or in this case didn't do and until recently I would have expected more from them but now I am not surprised. And you know what I am hurt and disappointed but really I haven't complained to anyone. I could openly talk about this person since so few on here know who it is and they don't read this but this may be the only time I say anything about it. Maybe I should have even written this but hey baby steps.

Wow my 30's are turning out better than my 20's

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