I am sure I am letting you down this is a completely sober blog entry. I too was hoping for something a little more incoherent. I was hoping to be a bit tipsy tonight but alas I am home sober. Boooooooooo.
The day was boring came in and mostly made copies all morning. Today was a half day and it's the Friday of Homecoming so they did all their fun crap today and the pep rally before the "big game". I use the quotes because it is always the same team. And we always slaughter them. Score at the end of the first quarter Us 35 Them 0. Yep you read that right 5 touch downs in 12 minutes. The other fun thing is that we had to start an hour behind because the other team hit bad traffic and was delayed. So we said fuck it we are leaving after the 3rd quarter. The main reason is that the homecoming dance is also going on during the football game. Game starts at 7:00 Dance starts at 8:00. Of course tonight the game started at 8:00. Most all the students had vacated the stands by the end of the half when they knew who was King and Queen. Very much like Butler homecoming. So the kids were eager to go and so was I. The third string was in tons of JV and we were still up 62 to 0 when we left at the end of the 3rd. So said I begin to root for the other side just to score... once. I feel bad for that team to drive 3 hours get the shit kicked out of them and then return home 3 hrs. When I am hearing Band kids names over the PA because they are in the game I know it's sad.
Ok and here was the kicker of the evening. So a kid got a call that a friend of his died after surgery today. Rightfully so he should be upset. He didn't go to our school but a lot of kids knew him and then several kids who didn't know the kid who had died but their friends were crying started crying too. They even announced over the speakers and had a moment to silence for the kid. Then 20 minutes later, we are told the kid is not dead. ?????? I don't know it blows my mind to. I had sent a kid home at the start of this because he was so upset. Several kids were upset and then they were told he was fine. I mean come on who does that. Who calls and says someone is dead when they didn't know for sure. Ah Drama, gotta love it. Such an interesting night.
Maybe the weekend will get better and by get better I mean I get drunk at some point.
1 month ago
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