Yea I don't know what yesterday was all about. I think today I will let loose with a bit of my own failings. Yes I have an addiction and yes the first step to recovery is to admit I have a problem. Though this addiction will come as no surprise to anyone, if you have read any of my drunken rant blogs it will all make sense. Fried foods are my weakness in particular fried cheese. On some occasions I will leave my house late at night (9:00pm how did that become late????) and drive to White Castle and order up some cheese sticks. Yes I know why those last 20lbs of fat will not vacate the premises because of this action. Now this may sound like justification but I don't do this every night, some nights I am already in bed by 9. OK ok ok I know I should not be doing this, but they are so damned good. But but I am going to the gym, ok not as regularly as during the summer but I haven't stopped altogether so kudos to me. Of course the kudos is negated by the cheese sticks. So yes I have a problem and I am admitting to it but do I really want help? Nope. Now when I pick up meth we can talk.
1 month ago
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