Or too much rain, lightening, and in general Jackassery.
So yes free cable what a wonderful thing. I was going to finish of the main part of my furniture but the heavy rains that plagued the Midwest put a damper on that so to speak. I never want to move again. Along with the rain came the thunder and lightening. So yea free cable, it's still free however I can't watch it. You guessed it lightening took out my TV. It was the most sickening ping/popping sound I have ever heard. During this same week of trying to get my life back to some semblance of order My mother calls and tells me that a family friend passed away. I have known that man for all of my life. He and his wife were very close friends to my parents. I will talk about that later.
Anyway back to the part of my life that was hellish but I can look back and laugh about. I am discovering that parking in the lot here at the new place is a bit tricky. If high gas prices kept me from driving too much the lottery that is parking here will definitely keep me biking it everywhere. If you are not in that lot by 5pm you are out on the street. For the most part I can do that and for several days I have just parked my car there and never drove. But there have been several nights that I have had to find scarce street parking. I am sure I will rant about this more later, that is more of a guarantee.
So while we are talking about the car let's talk about Wednesday and the stupidity of people. So here I am driving down Penn and some idiot is parked in a traffic lane. not just any traffic lane, but the one I was in. As I approach the drive makes what looks to be an attempt to start moving again but only a foot or two so I slow down and he inches some more. I decide fuck him I am going around him as I do I hear an even more sickening pop. Actually more like a gun shot as my tire blows. Now let me set up the visual for you. Penn is a one way street south. Three lanes the far left is parking only the other two are travel and there is no parking on the right. So I pull to the far left and get out to confirm I indeed popped a tire. Are you kidding me. So I empty the trunk that was full of my stuff because I was still trying to get my life in one place, and get the spare out. No I am sitting in the street taking the tire off and as I am doing this traffic continues. Now I ask you if you had two lanes to choose from, the left had a man sitting dangerously close to it and the right was empty of cars and people which one would you choose? Right I would have chosen to buzz and or clip the man in the street to. Wait no I would have pulled to the farthest lane so the man wouldn't have to stop what he was doing to get up to avoid being hit. Yea that is what I would do but the fucktards that were out driving that day thought it would be funny to piss me off. So after the 10th car that did that I just started flipping them off as they passed. I had a crowbar in my hand I was not afraid. And then some ass hole had the nerve to flip me off. I almost threw the spare tire at his car. I mean seriously why the hell would you not just pull over. This is why I hate most people. But other than that the week was great I got the last of my stuff into the apartment I lost my work keys and a little of my sanity.
Ok well I am going to go sit in a corner and rock back and forth and cry. Thank you have a good day. :)
1 month ago
1 comment:
Babe, it is time to burn incense or have your place blessed. I think your former landlord cursed your ass.
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