Yes that is right I now have my own high speed Internet. No longer am I suckling at the teet of some schmo in the building who couldn't be bothered with setting up a password. Now if I could just get a TV then I could get back to free cable. Ah well I guess it's the way the universe works itself out.
Speaking of working out, I have successfully made it to the gym everyday this week. Of course now this means I will not go again for a month, but whatever. Yes I have been sweating like a whore on nickle night and hoping to see some results by the time we hit Vegas. I am down 10lbs from January. Not exactly the progress I wanted but it is better than putting on 10lbs, so I will roll with it. If I could drop a few more pounds or at least stop jiggling in some places I would be happy.
So yea the gym I forgot how much some things there bug the living crap out of me. For example:
1. The old men that follow you from machine to machine in hope that you will follow them to the showers. Big ewww on that one. I am like dude really that ain't going to happen.
2. The elliptical trainer/Bike/StairMaster/treadmill is like standing at the urinal. Don't take the one right next to me when the whole row is empty. You are crowding my space, go work out over there.
3. This is not a social hour, don't stand around a piece of equipment and not use but talk with some other fuctard for the full hour I am there. BTW what are you doing there I have been here for an hour, you were here when I got here and I haven't seen you do a damned thing.
4. You ain't that strong. Quit lifting weights that are clearly too heavy for you. You weigh 150lbs don't put 90lbs on the biceps curls when I can touch fingers around your biceps. You know that vein that is prominate on your forehead? Yea take that as a sign to stop what your doing.
5. Get the fuck off my machine I want to work out on it. I hate people who just sit for 20 minute and do 5 reps in that time span. Use it or get off. It probably wouldn't bother me so much if I wasn't wanting to use it, but whatever.
So there you have just a few things that pissed me off today. It's been a light day.
1 month ago
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