In fact sitting very still.
I have to say that this last week rivaled, in the way of drunken stupidity, that of Spring Break 08. The number of nights drinking was less however the amount of toxins I consumed was not. This last week was Pride here in Indianapolis and if you hadn't guessed by now I am gay. So from time to time I do gay things. This week was the biggest gay week of my life. Romeo, Blanche and FN all decided this was the year to be involved in the gay community, I had already signed up to co chair the parade before the declaration so I was set for my community involvement. Romeo and Blanche were thigh high involved with that Bagladies, get it thigh high because they are men in dresses... Anyway. But they along with FN decide to work on the pride skate. Now last year was the first year for the Pride Skate, it along with the Pride picnic is the way the committee is trying to reach a broader portion of the LGBT community. The Skate and the Picnic are all ages events at the beginning of the week and in the past have not be well attended. Last year at the skate there were maybe 50 people and that is stretching that statistic. This year the boys upped the advertisement and made it an event with I would say 150-200 people. Kudos to them.
So that was Sunday, Monday was the final meeting of the committee and the showing of the Wizard of Oz, I know how gay right?? But I didn't go to that I was doing the parade line up with the co chairs of the festival. I have to say as an organization I like Pride and what they have done and I think there are enough people in it who are forward thinking enough to take it to the next level. But sometimes they are not great with the info. I was new to the committee and co chairing it with one of the co chairs from last year as well as the person who has been running it for many years, who is now the president of Pride. Again they are not as forthcoming with the info. I just didn't want to be standing around the day of picking my nose not knowing what was going on. It was a bit more frustrating then I would have liked but in the end it all worked out. I think I would have freaked less if I wasn't going to be the only one there the day of, the other two had other duties to take care of that day. But like I said nothing blew up I had a flask of Jack Daniels and all went well.
But I am getting ahead of myself, so Tuesday. Big Gay Band concert. The boys and Mom, not my mother just a friend we call Mom, decided to tailgate for the concert. This has become either a running gag or a tradition with us I am not sure. So as FN put it, like the call of the wild I sensed they had set up and that refreshing beverages were available so I wonder over to them and sure enough. I had plenty of time before we played to have a drink. The concert went fine and then off to Kareoke and then home to die.
Wednesday was the launch of the Bagladies Calendar at Gregs so I went not intending to drink but when it was 1.50 wells. I drank... a lot. I drank so much I don't know how I got home all I know is I walked it because I had to go back and pick up my car the next day. Thursday I didn't do much outside of the apartment and Friday I moved the last of my shit in the rain. I didn't care at that point. Later in the evening after the rain let up I went to help put the park together for the festival the next day and then I went to bed.
Saturday was the Parade and the Festival. I will get into that later because this post is getting awfully long as is.
1 month ago
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