So anyway speaking of things that piss me off and laundry. The reason I had to make so many treks was because some asshole had left their clothes in all the washers and hadn't taken them out. I was being nice and left them in there and went back up stairs, with 3 loads of laundry. Now there are only 2 washers yet 4 dryers and the 2 washers were full. be courteous dipshit and check on your stuff. Well I came back down a half hour later thinking this would be adequate amount of time to remove ones clothes. well they had and started another two loads. I assume it's the same person because there can't be that many of us who don't work during the day. So I went back up with 3 loads. So this time I waited 45 minutes and came back down and they were still in the washer. they were done, just sitting there. I go back up wait 30 minutes came back down and still in the washer. Well I take them out and set them in an empty basket that was sitting down there and did mine. Well when I came back down in a half hour there was a nasty note on the washer telling me I had no right to remove her things, I assume her since the hand writing was so nice. And now all four dryers were occupied two of which were done just sitting there. Being the kindly neighbor I am I took her shit out and replaced it with mine. I officially give her as [Cherry] ride would the "V"

I can just tell we are going to become best friends. Bitch!
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