or how things got slightly better.
When we last left me I was pissed off and tired I had spent about 10 hours doing nothing but moving. I didn't even stop to eat, worst diet ever. Because of that I was sore for several days. Anyway for my last trip Romeo and FN came and helped get the last and do some cleaning up. I have to say I really appreciate my friends. Getting all that shit out in one day took a ton of work.
But things got better the next day when I was staying at Xena's and we began the world tour of our band "Jung and the Archetypes" We are very big in Northern Europe. See Ms. Xena and I spent much of the weekend honing our Rock Band skills on her Xbox 360. This is why I shouldn't own gaming platforms I would waste away playing them all day. But I must say the Jungian Archetypes may be playing in a town near you soon.
I was let into my new apartment on Monday and it has been glorious ever since. Well sorta, I will get into the sorta later, for now I want to thank Blanche, FN, Athena, Xena and Straight Male Choir Director (SMCD) I'll find a better name later. They helped me haul the biggest part of my life up 3 flights of stairs in June. God love em.
and what do you know free As Athena and I discussed upon entering a new apartment always do a few things make sure everything works, Outlets, Lights, water... the cable. Yes you would be surprised the number of place I have moved and discovered that the cable is still hooked up. Woo hoo free cable. After not having cable for the past 4 years of my life I swear in a two day span I tried to make up for it. I realized why I didn't have cable, for all those channels there is never anything on. But hey I ain't paying for it. Along with the free cable I also realized I had neighbor who do not secure their wifiinternet. What a day all I needed to do was find some cold beer in the fridge, imported beer none of that swill. No beer but looking out my bathroom window and onto the landing below what did I see. Anyone remember this well it wasn't double headed it was single headed and red. I swear why do these things follow me around. Well Romeo you are off the hook it is not you being haunted by dildos. I hope this isn't like the "Christmas Carol" where I will be visited by ghosts of Dildos past, present, and future. Seriously though I have no dildo past or present so I doubt that is what is going on, but if a third shows up I may start to panic.
There is still more to come look for Moving pt 3.
1 month ago
1 comment:
I still believe the next sighting will be of a blue buttplug.
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