So here we are one week out from Vegas. I just need to get away for awhile. Yes I went to Ireland this year but that doesn't count since I was working the entire time or I was sick. And yes once again traveling with the Mean Girls. You would think I had learned my lesson the last few times I have traveled with them. But I think it will work out well. Think being the operative word and the word that will most likely be the downfall.
Anyway the excitement behind all of this is that FN decided that we along with a few others from our circle of friends would do a biggest loser ala Mean Girls. Well it started off fine but kind of dwindled toward the end. Except me who decided to sprint to the finish line. I am happy to report that I started at a whopping 231. As of yesterdays weighing I am at 220. Is this cause for celebration? Yes, with the move making me work a lot and already saw a lose of a lb or two I decided to just keep going with the labor intensiveness of my life. I have been to the gym 9 out of the last 10 days. I plan to go to the gym while I am in Vegas because we are going to Market Days in Chicago right before I go back to school and I want to be down a few more lbs by then. In the words of Margret Cho upon losing a lot of weight she said when she got to that size she had to fuck as many people as she could cause this body ain't going to last. I am not really going to fuck as many people as I can. But I would like as many people as possible wanting to. :) Is that evil of me? It won't happen like that but it's fun to think that it might.
So yes one week to go and 30 lbs to my goal weight. It's funny when I started college 14 years ago I was 80 lbs lighter than I am now. I just can't imagine how I got to this size. Oooooo ice cream!!!!
1 month ago
And 14 years ago you were a scrawny teenager, too.
Congratulations to you. The important thing is not the amount of weight or how much you lose, but that you feel good about yourself. Keep it up!
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