So I was on the phone the other day with my mother (my real one not the friend we call mom). She was saying how she needed to mow the lawn and didn't know when she was going to get to it. I offered to come up today and do it for her. She wasn't going to be home and I actually didn't get to see her at all but the yard was mowed anyway. Now here is the thing. It didn't hit me until I was there that my brother the Idiot who lives right next door and who is also a teacher with the summer off didn't offer to do it for her. The son who lives an hour away drove up to do it. I must say I am moving further and further up the best son ever category. It was also good because it gave me an excuse to even out the burn I got two weeks ago at Pride. I actually didn't burn I did well and put of some sunblock so I didn't burn but I did get some color. I am hoping to get some kind of base so that when we are in Vegas I won't do my impersonation of a blood blister.
So now on to things that pissed me off today. Ok for the record I am not always pissed off but it's funnier to be irritated than just observant.
1. My idiot brother who while I was doing something for our mother he could have easily done himself had the gall to ask me to help him. I did but I made it clear that I was actually there to be nice to just one member of the family and it wasn't him. Fuctard!
2. While at the gym I was on the elliptical trainer and two men came in and jumped on the bikes. This wasn't the problem the problem was that they started talking so loudly that I could hear them over my ipod. I wouldn't say talking so much as shouting over each other sentences. I am not sure one could call that a conversation so much as just being a dick. Seriously he was a foot away. A deaf man could hear you.
3. Same fuckwits from the bikes migrated to the weight room and put their gym bags on the partition of an office cubicle and on top of the office shelves. Seriously asswipe that's so someones work place not your dumping ground. Sometimes I just really hate stupid people.
4. When I work out I sweat... a lot. I am fat and out of shape a combination that just screams for sweatiness. Anyway most people I know sweat while working out so why in the middle of your "workout", Yelling at one another, or throwing your shit anywhere you want would you go into a sauna. I mean really that's all I want to be is hotter, sweatier, and more dehydrated. Oh and if you couldn't have guessed it was the same two twats from 2 and 3 that were hanging out in the sauna and yes I could hear them conversing through the wall and the Ipod. That is what drew my attention to them.
1 month ago
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