With life and work and really haven't had much to say.
My friend S has a blog and I love reading it because 1. she writes so well and 2. I like staying with what is going on in her life. I was saddened to here that she was having problems with the people who read her blog and that they may feel hurt by what she has to say. It happens I understand. If I were to be hyper aware of everything I said and if someone might take offense I would never write anything. Life is about choices, we can choose to read or not read a blog. We can choose to be offended or not. That is where most people get tripped up, instead of being honest with people we harbor deep seeded resentments. Many times the person we resent doesn't even know they have offended us. How as an offendee resolve this? Well if you know the person well enough or are bold enough, tell them. If not get over it. That is also a choice that people do not exercises, myself included. I wish that I let more things just go. I will say I have more so than in the past. Also I am a firm believer in saying what you mean. Example; my friends love buffets, I mean drool over, love buffets. If they could live at a Golden Corral they would. (I am exaggerating but you get the idea.) I do not enjoy the Golden Corral. I do enjoy Chinese buffets. I know what you are saying "WTF? what makes one better than the other?" Well I am glad you ask, my justification is that Chinese that you order for delivery and what you get on a buffet are one in the same. If I go to a Chinese restaurant I would get the same. That cannot be said for the like of the Sizzler. When I order Mac and Cheese at a restaurant to does not come liquefied as it would be found on the steam trays. I also would never eat a steak at Ruth Chris if it appeared in front of me like it does off the buffet bar. I am just sayin'.
Now I do not begrudge my friends their all you can eat experience. I still go, not happily, when they as a group decide to go. They may disagree, but you know what when I want to go to a Chinese, Indian, Thai or other ethic fair, I do not drag those friends along because I know they don't care for it, save Romeo, Athena or Xena and that is why I call them. I also don't expect them to go to the symphony with me or other art events because I really think they would be bored and that is fair. I really wasn't planning on talking about that but whatever, it fits into my choices tirade.
Really what I wanted to say was that first of all most all of my friends I would say are left leaning in their politics. And yes this year we have what I would call a refreshing change of pace. Both of the remaining candidates are people I would vote for in the general election. Yes I am a Clinton supporter I like the Clintons always have always will. Do I think Hillary would do a better job, yes. Do I think she is by far more prepared to handle the presidency from day one, absolutely. Do I have more faith in Hillary then Obama, yep sure do. Given a choice between Obama and McCain I will go with Obama. If those are my choices. For me I am just happy having 2 great candidates for the democrats. Let's be less divisive in the primary because it will only hurt us later. Let's not be dicks to one another, support Hillary, support Barak, that is your choice. It is also your choice to be or not be a jerk to those who do not support your candidate. Let's be adult enough to disagree and get over it. I don't like the Golden Corral do I hate my friends who do? No because then I would have to hate my father who also loved the Buffet and thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. We all have choices to make in life, like'm don't like'm I don't care just don't be a jerk about them. I will cut back on my disgust of buffets but I still won't like them. :) I guess you could also support McCain, but really why would you. :) Kidding... sorta.
1 month ago
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