deep in my heart I knew it was too much to ask for. We already have Monday off. I knew I wouldn't be lucky enough to get a snow day today. Ah well, so here I sit at my computer, at school while Speacial K is off with her "students" playing garage band on her new Wii. She asked if I wanted to join. I declined. God I fucking hate her sometimes.
So watched the season opener of Lost last night. It went about how I expected it to. Poor Hurley. That guy just has the worst luck. So the real question now is why is it the Ocianic 6? did only 6 people get off the island? If so why only 6 and what happened to everyone else? And who was the creepy blck guy chatting with Hurley? I swear the more I watch the more questions I have. For every one answer I get, they creat 12 more. They are drug dealers. They must be, give you a little taste and then you are hooked. Damn them, damn them and their interesting show. (Shaking my fist while swearing "Curse you J.J. Abrams, Curse you!")
1 month ago
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