Out of a nine period day (one being a zero period before school that I actually have a class during) I teach 7 of. I have 2 periods to just get shit done. Like grades, replying to phone messages, emails, prep for the next days classes, blog, you know important stuff. What I don't have time for is Special K sitting there asking me questions like. "Did you get that evite from *insert teacher here*?"
I respond "Yes".
She continues "Do I need to respond to it?"
"I don't know."
"Well if I don't then he will just send a follow up." "Blah Blah Blah, more shit that is just bugging me to the point that I have had to read an email twice because I could focus the first time because you voice is like a woodpecker on my skull." I am paraphrasing she didn't actually say that but she might as well have. I understand people feel the need to fill their time with inane questions and need to speak to someone out loud, but if someone is obviously working or otherwise occupied don't bother them. I would appriciate it more if she would say something like, "Are you busy can I ask you a question?" Instead of injecting herself into my work. Some of us need this time to get things done or just to relax and not work.
Here is the thing we share one class out of the 6 I teach and the 4 she teaches. Why is gods name does it need to occupy 90% of my time. She will interupt my class on a regular basis to ask questions that could have been sent in an email. Or if she would take sometime to familiarize herself with where things are in her Band room 75% of all questions would go away.
Well I need to go now and set up for my next class.
1 month ago
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