So I have been checking who has been visiting my blog. I have been meaning to do this for a while, but I would like to say hello to all those people out there. Actually the real reason is I am perplexed at the fact anyone reads this. What is more perplexing are the places that I am finding that have visited. From the Normal to the strange I give you my list.
Hello to the obvious ones I know who you are in Indiana, Michigan,Chicago, and Iowa.
Hello to I am pretty sure I know who this is in DC, Massachusetts, New York and Ohio
Not really sure All of the Californians, Arizona, Florida, Texas, Oregon, Washington.
To the one times in most every state in the Union.
Now we move international: Several hits from the Switzerland, UK and Australia.
Newest Sweden (Thanks Athena for that one)
Now to the WTF category India, Pakistan and my personal favorite United Arab Emirates.
Feel free to comment and say hi if I don't know you or even if I do.
The international ones all I can think of is that the server people have gone through shunted them through there. Unless someone in Abu Dhabi really liked the double headed purple dildo story.
1 month ago
Anytime I can add to your hits. Now if only I could send you a Sven in the same efficient manner.
Amen to that.
I could send you a Yooper...
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