Well I have just weighed myself and the final weigh in for the Vegas trip is 219lbs. I must say we started this crusade 6 months ago and I think 12lbs is a good show. Especially when you think about the shit I ate and the lack of going to the gym. But I am now on a different crusade. I use to be a thin person. Granted I never want to be that thin again, I am not even sure that is physically possible. I do want to get back to what I would consider normal for me. I see the genetics in my family and most of the males were thin till their late 20's and then bam fatass and it stays with them. I don't want that at all. Plus diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, my family medical history is like walking through a mine field with clown shoes on. So while I am in Vegas I must hit the gym at least once if not twice.
So speaking of Vegas, I am really being impatient. I really need it to be here now. I am so ancy that I am not going to BGB tonight. Ok that's not the reason, I need to stay home finish packing and go to bed early cause we have an early ass flight. I am in such need of this I can't even say. I did some thinking over the last few weeks and realized since I started working at the school I hadn't really had not taken a lot of time off. Yes I had summers but I spent just as much time at the school doing work then not. I haven't gone a week without doing something or stepping foot on that campus for 4 years. Which might be why I haven't done a damned thing for the past 2 weeks for school. No lesson plans, picking music, score study, nothing. I am loving it. So yea Vegas I am ready to sit by a pool and have beautiful men bring me very fruity drinks with umbrellas in them.
So the next post, hopefully, will be from sunny Nevada. And as my ex said, what happens in Vegas, get posted on 3 different blogs. But not Blanche's that bitch hasn't written in ages.
1 month ago
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