Really the trip was for the most part uneventful. Blanche and Romeo Gambled a lot. We had Buffets, saw the Price Is Right stage show, went to a wax Museum, had over priced drinks that I didn't tip for, and we saw not one but two mini Michael Jacksons. I did make it to the pool a couple of times and got a little bit of color that has now dissipated. All in all a good trip. Will I clamor to get back there anytime soon? Probably not.
So yea the Price Is Right. They do a stage version at Bally's it was a whole cart of cheese but it was fun. The one thing that caught me off guard was how abruptly it ended. The had the showcase showdown and instead of having two show cases they just had the one, which was fine. So in this showcase they has a Play Station 2, yes you read that "2", Big screen tv, a cruise to Alaska for two, a scooter, a new Mazda 3, and a few other random items. So the two contestants bid, and the host says " The actual retail price is $16,534, you're both wrong, goodnight everybody." With the implied don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave. Yes all of that in one very quick breath. That and the woman who didn't know how to play Plinko! Seriously how do you not know that. Whatever. Other than all that it was cute in a very cheesy sort of way.
After that we went to a club that we didn't have to pay the $20 cover, which was good because it was fun and nice things to look at but not worth that much just to get in. The drinks were way over priced and very weak. Of course weak for me is that I can still taste the mixer. But still very weak. So I didn't tip. I figure at these prices and the fact I will not be back in any amount of time this bartender would remember my face I felt safe in stiffing him. Now the upshot to this place was, as advertised there was to me a mini Michael Jackson. You know a midget dressed and acting like Michael. How cool is that? I swear everything is made better with midgets, whether it's porn or celebrity impersonators. When I heard the opening of "Billie Jean" I was stoked. And when I saw two of them on the stage I was excited. Except they left the stage half way through and never came back. Fine do one song but really if you have two mini Michaels what is the most logical song to do. Hello!! "Man In The Mirror". But alas we saw them for a moment in time and they danced their little hearts out for Billie Jean. We left that bar and FN, Mom and myself explored the "dive" Casinos on the strip. I held on to my original $5 all the way to 3:30 am until it just gambled itself out. Our plan was for all five of us to make it it sunrise. It just wasn't meant to be. Ah well.
The rest of the trip was a little low key which was fine with me. We made it home in the early hours of Monday and I have been relaxing ever since.
So there you have it our trip to Vegas. Fun was had, drinks were had and no one died. So I say a success.
1 month ago
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