I know, I know with having to get work done I should have never bought a book. But I did and I didn't expect to like it so much. My first review is of "Son of a Witch" it's by the same author of "Wicked", which I also loved. I really wasn't expecting to like it but really did. So much so I had problems putting it down even when I had things I really needed to get done. But alas that is how I roll. It basically picks up from when the wicked witch of the west dies. The main character may or may not be the witches son. It is so good, I highly recommend it. I won't give anything away but if you liked "Wicked", the book not the musical because they are drastically different one is good the other is not, then get this and read it. I did buy two books that day and I am resisting the urge to read it until band camp next week.
* Some spoiler alert ahead*
My other review is of "The Dark Knight" holy batshit Batman. This was so freaking good, I can't stand it. Yes the draw back for me was that it was so obviously Chicago it made it hard to think "Gotham". But at the same time it took a lot of the mythos away and almost made it plausible. Which I have to say I love about the movie. Yes the action scenes where pretty out there but not inconceivable that anything like that could happen but it did ground it a bit more for me. The other thing, and I loved this in the first one was the acting was so good. Top to bottom was so great. They are all fantastic actors so how could you go wrong, but they blew away any expectations. Heath Leger is the Joker as far as I am concerned that is the best portrayal. So twisted and sadistic and yet held that level of humor we love in the character. It was so hard to sit there and think "Yea that's Heath Leger." I am telling you even in the split second he was shown without the make up I still wasn't convinced it was him. Christian Bale again my favorite Batman to date, not enough shirtless scenes but I digress. Michael Caine brilliant. Gary Oldman great actor and seriously I almost cried when they said he was dead, but so happy when he wasn't. Aaron Eckhart loved it I am loving this guy more and more with every movie I see of his. Maggie Gyllenhaal loves me some Maggie, no offense to Katie who was stupid not to take this role again, but Maggie did an outstanding job and yes I was so sad to lose her in the movie. Morgan Freeman aside from the Joker I think this was my favorite character. Morgan Freeman really grew into this roll for this installment and I can't wait to see him in the next one.
So there it is so freaking cool. Comics to movies though I love them and will always see them because I am big and nerdy like that, always fall short for me. But this and "Batman Begins" have shown me it can be done.
Ok so much for short reviews.
1 month ago
Okay, I'll give you Dark Knight because Holy Batshit was it frackin' awesome. However, it took me a month to get through Wicked and I gave up on Son of a Witch. This is because the prose Maguire writes drives me absolutely batty. As an English teacher I can't get into it because every other sentence is actually a fragment and I'm constantly editing it in my head which sort of takes me out of the story. His editor suh-u-ucked.
Oh, and I loved the musical even though it was so drastically different from the book. This may or may not be because of the enormous girlcrush I have on Idina Menzel. That other annoying harpy can go suck it.
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