Monday, July 30, 2007

Are you kidding me it's only Monday

So all the bullshit with Special K aside, today been truly heinous. So back story, the kids have always liked to play pranks or whatnot on me at Camp. Normally harmless stuff but last year parents got in on it and started letting kids into my room when I was out. I put the kibosh on that as quickly as I could. I thought I had dealt with pranking and brought it to a close. No, when I started getting calls from people interested in the house I was selling. Some brilliant child had put a for sale sign in my yard with my name and number not only was it grossly under priced, it had a completely incorrect description of the place. Now understand I don't own I rent. Now may landlords found out and thought I was try to pull a fraud scheme and had been repeatedly try to call me. If they hadn't heard from me by Tuesday they were going to call the cops. I frantically called them and apologized up and down. Luckily they were cool about it.

So then I set about finding out who did it. I found out and I know he didn't mean for to get out of hand but still. I am making him sweat at the moment. Because I got Special K to tell the kids that because of a prank I had to go back to Indy and deal with cops and my landlords which wasn't true. I ran back to the dorm got my keys and sped off. And then hung out at dennys for a couple of hours. The kids Dad (a lawyer and didn't know anything about this) called me to let me know he would meet me at my place and help straighten out the mess with the landlords and police. I explain that I am just teaching his son a lesson. I agreed and say to make him sweat. I do love many of these parents.

Don't get wrong I do enjoy a good prank however this went just a bit too far. A lot of the kids feel bad and the kid who did it feels awful as well he should and before it is over he will have a better understand of what not to do. It's a little after midnight the kids think I am in Indy possibly being arrested. All I have to say is don't fuck with me. :)

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