This actually started as a blog comment but got out of hand so I just moved it to a post. The blog entry I am commenting on. He tends to ramble so I don't blame you if you don't read it all. Lol I know that's like the pot calling the kettle black.
You know that is one of the things that I really has not been commented on. Now I don't watch my news I read of listen and in those instances they never really focus on the fact that the reality of a Black candidate or a woman candidate is most likely going to happen. Granted we are not the first nation in the world to have minority (in those countries) or women national leaders, but for being who we are, one it's about damned time and two this is pretty amazing. With Hilary losing Iowa and finally seeing her get her cumupins, so to speak those who have hated her I think really started to examine why. Those people kind of felt bad for her. It's much like when you saw Tracy Flick lose you sorta felt bad and then felt good that she actually did win. (The movie Election watch it. It holds true to so much of this years politics.) I actually think that showing vulnerability is not always good but in this case it was justified and good. I think that made all the difference in the world. In a way the other candidates may back off the attacks, the sympathy vote is a strong factor. Whether it is justified or not. I agree it was needed, she needed to show the softer side of sears. But it is not something that should be trucked out when the numbers are going down. I believe it was sincere and that's what it needs to be. I am sure some consultant will seize on this in a meeting and try to strategies more weeping moments. I say to that person, you are fired. Yes Mark Penn needs to go.
1 month ago
1 comment:
In defense of my rambling today, I went to bed at 1, got up at 5, and went to the gym. So, the only thing keeping from drooling on my keyboard is two cups of coffe...that is about to become 3.
So bite me :-P
Anyway, I think you saw in her speech, which was not as good as Obama's (but it never will be), that she can actually connect with the audience and still be the equivilent of the nerdy girl studying at the pep rally. I highly doubt there will be any more crying jags, but I bet I see meeting with orphans in her future!
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