To: You
Subject: Seriously can we remove our heads from our asses please.
In regards to the volunteer work(forced volunteerism) we as a faculty will be participating in on Wednesday I just have a few clarifications and issues to address.
1. I am all for volunteering, I am a strong advocate of it. However when it is mandatory you really can't call it volunteering anymore. Volunteering should be for something you have a desire or interest in helping. When things go from a great idea you personally have to one that has been told to you to do by another party people tend to get testy, which brings me to the next point.
2. Is it really a good idea to make a decision to cancel classes with less than 3 weeks notice to do this wonderful day of giving. Many of us plan our semester to the hour and when we lose days of instruction for things outside of school we find it... whats a good way of putting it, frustrating (see also FUCKING ANNOYING). Also when many of the shifts end well outside our normal work day it really effects our personal routines. When people have things planned for 5pm or 4pm and they normally have that free that too becomes frustrating.
3. Consultation would be a wonderful thing. Many of the staff as you might have been aware at the faculty meeting, were less than pleased this had been decided. (see also FUCKING PISSED OFF) had we been let in on this decision or been given options I am sure this would have flown a bit smoother.
4. I am not sure how my times can be changed around at the last minute. Just this morning I had received an email from the event stating I would be working from 8-12:30. I just received an email from you say I would be working from 12-6:00. Please understand had this come two weeks ago I am sure I would have been fine with it and have dealt with it just fine, but less than 26 hours before said event. I say, and I hate using the word again, is just frustrating. (Or I say what the fuck people seriously can we get our act together.)
And another thing you justify this by stating that you do not see us doing volunteer work. Have you ever asked what we do I am sure you would be surprised at the amount of things we volunteer for every year. Our charity may manifest itself in many different ways and for you to make the assumption that we do nothing because we don't state it out loud its a bit offensive. But whatever what the fuck do I know I just teach here.
Your employee
1 month ago
1 comment:
Service learning! Ha!!! Same shit I deal with, only on a different day!!
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