Netflix is one of my favorite things in this world. I watched this weekend a fun little piece of cinema called Girls Will Be Girls. Every "female" role was done by men in drag. So you can imagine the dialogue would be campy and bitchy, and it was. Example, one of the characters asks another one if she had had an abortion her reply" An abortion? Honey I have had more children pulled from me than a burning orphanage." I give it two fake tits up.
Speaking of tits I guess it is time for me to grow up. Why you may ask well I have an incoming freshman next year and her name is... wait for it...Titsworth. Thank god I didn't interview her. Every time I see her name I laugh out loud for 5 minutes solid. (Yes I am laughing now.) I really hope she decides not to join the band because I am not sure I can successfully suppress that laughter for 4 years.
Favorite story of the day. A student last week tells me that he tried out for the school musical. Not a big deal lots of people do, but this year the musical is Thoroughly Modern Millie. First of all terrible musical but whatever. Secondly it involves a lot of Tap and everyone had to try out on tap. This boy goes on to tell me he took tap from 4th grade to 8th grade. I raise an eyebrow. Friday he comes up so excited. "I got a major role and I didn't even try out for it." "Good for you." I reply. He goes on to say "I am so happy I could cry if it wasn't so unmanly." I raise an eyebrow, and say "Seriously, you took tap lessons for 4 years and crying would seem unmanly?" He turned and walked away.
Was it something I said?
1 month ago
First name Aureola?
ok... so that's too funny. But... oh do I feel bad for her.
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