Friday, June 27, 2008

Mental note

When drunk do not do certain things. Last night was another fine example of me drinking more than I should especial when having so little to eat the day of said drinking. Though kudos for me to realize last night that I shouldn't drive to get food because I was way to drunk to actually drive. However while sitting on the back patio of the Metro last night I became aware that I had only eaten a little that day and decided I needed food. We were well passed the time that Metro served food and I knew I needed to eat. There are in fact no fast food places near my place and no place that served food this late. But O'Malia's was just a few blocks away. You know the old saying "Never shop for food when you are hungry." Well that goes double for being drunk and hungry. Before we get to that I must reflect with some humor at how I stumbled down Mass Ave and I mean stumbled. I know I tripped at least three times on my way to the store. To my credit it was because the sidewalks were uneven I could have done it sober... that is my story and I am sticking to it. I can only imagine the drunken mess I was as I left the Metro. I did have enough presence of mind to retrieve my card from the bar.

Anyway so drunk shopping. Yea, all I have to say is I believe my list of items will be example enough. Humus, deli chicken, olives, pringles, Frozen pizza, Tyson's popcorn chicken, and sour cream. I am not really sure what I was going to do with all of that, and I really don't know what I did with all of that. Before you get excited and think I ate it all I didn't. Everything was untouched except the humus and the pringles. I can only surmise that I sat and ate pringles dipped in humus. The only thing I really remember about the shopping experience was that I was saying "Oooooooooooo, I love (insert item here), I think I am going to bye that." Thank god there were not that many people in the store at the time.

There you are lesson learned. Please learn from my mistakes don't make them yourself.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Still goin'

I haven't let up on the gym though today is trying me. I have been doing laundry today and the trek up and down 4 flights of stairs is making my legs tired I am waiting to work up enough energy to hit the gym today. It's odd. I know it would be ok to slack off one day and no go but, I have been doing well and feeling better about how I look. It's one of those, I don't want to stop because I may never start again feelings. I just don't want to fall into a rut of finding excuses not to go back.

So anyway speaking of things that piss me off and laundry. The reason I had to make so many treks was because some asshole had left their clothes in all the washers and hadn't taken them out. I was being nice and left them in there and went back up stairs, with 3 loads of laundry. Now there are only 2 washers yet 4 dryers and the 2 washers were full. be courteous dipshit and check on your stuff. Well I came back down a half hour later thinking this would be adequate amount of time to remove ones clothes. well they had and started another two loads. I assume it's the same person because there can't be that many of us who don't work during the day. So I went back up with 3 loads. So this time I waited 45 minutes and came back down and they were still in the washer. they were done, just sitting there. I go back up wait 30 minutes came back down and still in the washer. Well I take them out and set them in an empty basket that was sitting down there and did mine. Well when I came back down in a half hour there was a nasty note on the washer telling me I had no right to remove her things, I assume her since the hand writing was so nice. And now all four dryers were occupied two of which were done just sitting there. Being the kindly neighbor I am I took her shit out and replaced it with mine. I officially give her as [Cherry] ride would the "V"

I can just tell we are going to become best friends. Bitch!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I have lost 5% of me.

So here we are one week out from Vegas. I just need to get away for awhile. Yes I went to Ireland this year but that doesn't count since I was working the entire time or I was sick. And yes once again traveling with the Mean Girls. You would think I had learned my lesson the last few times I have traveled with them. But I think it will work out well. Think being the operative word and the word that will most likely be the downfall.

Anyway the excitement behind all of this is that FN decided that we along with a few others from our circle of friends would do a biggest loser ala Mean Girls. Well it started off fine but kind of dwindled toward the end. Except me who decided to sprint to the finish line. I am happy to report that I started at a whopping 231. As of yesterdays weighing I am at 220. Is this cause for celebration? Yes, with the move making me work a lot and already saw a lose of a lb or two I decided to just keep going with the labor intensiveness of my life. I have been to the gym 9 out of the last 10 days. I plan to go to the gym while I am in Vegas because we are going to Market Days in Chicago right before I go back to school and I want to be down a few more lbs by then. In the words of Margret Cho upon losing a lot of weight she said when she got to that size she had to fuck as many people as she could cause this body ain't going to last. I am not really going to fuck as many people as I can. But I would like as many people as possible wanting to. :) Is that evil of me? It won't happen like that but it's fun to think that it might.

So yes one week to go and 30 lbs to my goal weight. It's funny when I started college 14 years ago I was 80 lbs lighter than I am now. I just can't imagine how I got to this size. Oooooo ice cream!!!!

Things we do for our mothers

So I was on the phone the other day with my mother (my real one not the friend we call mom). She was saying how she needed to mow the lawn and didn't know when she was going to get to it. I offered to come up today and do it for her. She wasn't going to be home and I actually didn't get to see her at all but the yard was mowed anyway. Now here is the thing. It didn't hit me until I was there that my brother the Idiot who lives right next door and who is also a teacher with the summer off didn't offer to do it for her. The son who lives an hour away drove up to do it. I must say I am moving further and further up the best son ever category. It was also good because it gave me an excuse to even out the burn I got two weeks ago at Pride. I actually didn't burn I did well and put of some sunblock so I didn't burn but I did get some color. I am hoping to get some kind of base so that when we are in Vegas I won't do my impersonation of a blood blister.

So now on to things that pissed me off today. Ok for the record I am not always pissed off but it's funnier to be irritated than just observant.

1. My idiot brother who while I was doing something for our mother he could have easily done himself had the gall to ask me to help him. I did but I made it clear that I was actually there to be nice to just one member of the family and it wasn't him. Fuctard!

2. While at the gym I was on the elliptical trainer and two men came in and jumped on the bikes. This wasn't the problem the problem was that they started talking so loudly that I could hear them over my ipod. I wouldn't say talking so much as shouting over each other sentences. I am not sure one could call that a conversation so much as just being a dick. Seriously he was a foot away. A deaf man could hear you.

3. Same fuckwits from the bikes migrated to the weight room and put their gym bags on the partition of an office cubicle and on top of the office shelves. Seriously asswipe that's so someones work place not your dumping ground. Sometimes I just really hate stupid people.

4. When I work out I sweat... a lot. I am fat and out of shape a combination that just screams for sweatiness. Anyway most people I know sweat while working out so why in the middle of your "workout", Yelling at one another, or throwing your shit anywhere you want would you go into a sauna. I mean really that's all I want to be is hotter, sweatier, and more dehydrated. Oh and if you couldn't have guessed it was the same two twats from 2 and 3 that were hanging out in the sauna and yes I could hear them conversing through the wall and the Ipod. That is what drew my attention to them.

Monday, June 23, 2008

9 Days

To Vegas baby. Yes the Mean Girls are going to Vegas. It will be my first trip there. I am looking forward to it, I don't gamble so this will be interesting. I know there is more to do in Vegas than gamble I am just not sure what. It's Gay Days in Vegas as well so that could be interesting. The cool thing is that because it is gay days they have thing set up to do and the one thing that sounded really interesting was the rafting down the Colorado River. I think Mom and I may do that I am not sure if the others would be up for that but maybe they will be.

I will be continuing the move of my old posts. Damn that is a project. Ok well right now I am off to the gym and then the store for food.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

6 days

That may be all I get in this week so much for getting to the gym everyday this week. With our plans for the day and the schedule of the gym I won't have time to get to the gym. Which is ok I guess I really wanted to make an effort to do every day before vegas. not that at this point it was going to make difference but it was a goal for me and I would like to stick to said goal. Ah well.

So I decided to consolidate all my blog entries into one place. I was in two other places before coming to Blogspot. It was interesting to see those posts again since I hadn't been to them in a very long time. The first one was in October of 2004!!!! who knew. And I had to go back and edit some of those names. It made for a good saturday afternoon project. Of course I haven't moved them all yet. So yet more project time.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Best over heard of the day.

While waiting for Athena at the Indian Garden I over hear a women as she is paying for lunch say "When you are my size and have a mouth as big as mine you have to carry a gun." Yes she was a small woman and I could see her being a bit mouth especially after a comment like that. But seriously where is going to be packin heat in that little coach purse she had? Anyway she the proceeded to ask the men she was with if they would donate blood. Was she going to take it by force? She continued badgering them about giving blood and they refused and then she just got whiny and annoying. To the point I wished I was carrying a gun.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I hate my body

So as I was walking to the gym, yep that's right I made 5 days this week and I still have the weekend, when I saw an older woman visibly short of breathe set her bags down and sit on the curb. I was too far away at the moment to do anything to help. I was going to see if she was ok but as soon as she sat down she pulled out a cigarette and lit up. Instead of checking to see if she was ok I wanted to stop and say, "You do realize that is why you are short of breath?" But I didn't I kept right on walking to the gym. I know breaking a habit is hard, but really when your health is being adversely effected I have to think one would try to change. I mean here I am, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease runs in my family. Along with a myriad of other things. I see myself getting fat and out of shape and realizing that I am not terribly young anymore and I should do something about that. So I am I try to eat better, reduce stress, and get to the gym. I didn't purposefully move to a third floor apartment but I am glad I did. The exercises up the stairs is good plus when I open my windows I don't get street noise any more.

So speaking of opening windows, I have discovered something disturbing. The past few nights I have left the windows open when going to bed and have woken to congestion, sore throat, and watery eyes. I have been having this for a week and then I closed up yesterday and turned on the AC for a while and the symptoms went away. I have never had allergies but I think I do now I started noticing these things about 2 years ago. I hate how my body is changing and not giving me a heads up.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Porn at the speed of light.

Yes that is right I now have my own high speed Internet. No longer am I suckling at the teet of some schmo in the building who couldn't be bothered with setting up a password. Now if I could just get a TV then I could get back to free cable. Ah well I guess it's the way the universe works itself out.

Speaking of working out, I have successfully made it to the gym everyday this week. Of course now this means I will not go again for a month, but whatever. Yes I have been sweating like a whore on nickle night and hoping to see some results by the time we hit Vegas. I am down 10lbs from January. Not exactly the progress I wanted but it is better than putting on 10lbs, so I will roll with it. If I could drop a few more pounds or at least stop jiggling in some places I would be happy.

So yea the gym I forgot how much some things there bug the living crap out of me. For example:

1. The old men that follow you from machine to machine in hope that you will follow them to the showers. Big ewww on that one. I am like dude really that ain't going to happen.

2. The elliptical trainer/Bike/StairMaster/treadmill is like standing at the urinal. Don't take the one right next to me when the whole row is empty. You are crowding my space, go work out over there.

3. This is not a social hour, don't stand around a piece of equipment and not use but talk with some other fuctard for the full hour I am there. BTW what are you doing there I have been here for an hour, you were here when I got here and I haven't seen you do a damned thing.

4. You ain't that strong. Quit lifting weights that are clearly too heavy for you. You weigh 150lbs don't put 90lbs on the biceps curls when I can touch fingers around your biceps. You know that vein that is prominate on your forehead? Yea take that as a sign to stop what your doing.

5. Get the fuck off my machine I want to work out on it. I hate people who just sit for 20 minute and do 5 reps in that time span. Use it or get off. It probably wouldn't bother me so much if I wasn't wanting to use it, but whatever.

So there you have just a few things that pissed me off today. It's been a light day.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Now where was I...?

Oh Right the Drinking.

So Saturday I got up very early To Print off a final list for the parade only the Printer I should have replaced a year ago was being a problem. My apartment became a shambles in my trying to locate the install disk. After an hour of looking I because so angry I recreated this scene from "Office Space"

Yes boys and girls I destroyed my printer in a fit of anger and tossed it's remains in the dumpster behind the building. So after getting my morning started right I ran to a friends office to print off the list and headed to the parade site. I got everything off and all went well from what I could tell. For me it went fine because I look at it like falling down a flight of stair, you really can't do anything till you hit the bottom so best to just go limp. For me going limp was the flask of Jack I had in my backpack.

So with the parade behind me I could enjoy the day. I went to the Festival with Mom and we walked around snagged some beer from Blanche's cooler. Then I discover that with my parade badge I could into places others could not. This was nice. What was also nice was the realization that one pink ticket was good for one drink. Normally one ticket equals a $ and each drink is about five tickets. I was ecstatic to say the least. And when I took Mom up to get her signed in as a volunteer the girl gave me more tickets. Lets put it this way I received 15 tickets during the day when I pulled what was left out of my pockets I had 3 left. I had a bit to drink that day. In the excitement of free booze I forgot to reapply sunscreen and became very crispy. I did plan on going home taking a nap and then go out to the bars but the nap just sobered me up enough to realize the pain I was in. So I just took some advil and went back to bed.

Sunday I went to Brunch with ena and we did some shopping for her and then met FN at Metro for the T-Dance. It was fun I got to know some of the members of the Pride committee better and some how agreed to do the Pride Guide and the Parade for net year. I think I have a better handle on how things are done and I feel I can handle it. I should have just been envolved with a committee this year instead of jumping head long into it. I do better when I can spend one round observing. But it is what it is.

So that was my big gay week. In a nutshell.

Still relaing at home slowly putting things where I want them and can remember them.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Not Moving

In fact sitting very still.

I have to say that this last week rivaled, in the way of drunken stupidity, that of Spring Break 08. The number of nights drinking was less however the amount of toxins I consumed was not. This last week was Pride here in Indianapolis and if you hadn't guessed by now I am gay. So from time to time I do gay things. This week was the biggest gay week of my life. Romeo, Blanche and FN all decided this was the year to be involved in the gay community, I had already signed up to co chair the parade before the declaration so I was set for my community involvement. Romeo and Blanche were thigh high involved with that Bagladies, get it thigh high because they are men in dresses... Anyway. But they along with FN decide to work on the pride skate. Now last year was the first year for the Pride Skate, it along with the Pride picnic is the way the committee is trying to reach a broader portion of the LGBT community. The Skate and the Picnic are all ages events at the beginning of the week and in the past have not be well attended. Last year at the skate there were maybe 50 people and that is stretching that statistic. This year the boys upped the advertisement and made it an event with I would say 150-200 people. Kudos to them.

So that was Sunday, Monday was the final meeting of the committee and the showing of the Wizard of Oz, I know how gay right?? But I didn't go to that I was doing the parade line up with the co chairs of the festival. I have to say as an organization I like Pride and what they have done and I think there are enough people in it who are forward thinking enough to take it to the next level. But sometimes they are not great with the info. I was new to the committee and co chairing it with one of the co chairs from last year as well as the person who has been running it for many years, who is now the president of Pride. Again they are not as forthcoming with the info. I just didn't want to be standing around the day of picking my nose not knowing what was going on. It was a bit more frustrating then I would have liked but in the end it all worked out. I think I would have freaked less if I wasn't going to be the only one there the day of, the other two had other duties to take care of that day. But like I said nothing blew up I had a flask of Jack Daniels and all went well.

But I am getting ahead of myself, so Tuesday. Big Gay Band concert. The boys and Mom, not my mother just a friend we call Mom, decided to tailgate for the concert. This has become either a running gag or a tradition with us I am not sure. So as FN put it, like the call of the wild I sensed they had set up and that refreshing beverages were available so I wonder over to them and sure enough. I had plenty of time before we played to have a drink. The concert went fine and then off to Kareoke and then home to die.

Wednesday was the launch of the Bagladies Calendar at Gregs so I went not intending to drink but when it was 1.50 wells. I drank... a lot. I drank so much I don't know how I got home all I know is I walked it because I had to go back and pick up my car the next day. Thursday I didn't do much outside of the apartment and Friday I moved the last of my shit in the rain. I didn't care at that point. Later in the evening after the rain let up I went to help put the park together for the festival the next day and then I went to bed.

Saturday was the Parade and the Festival. I will get into that later because this post is getting awfully long as is.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Moving pt 3

Or too much rain, lightening, and in general Jackassery.

So yes free cable what a wonderful thing. I was going to finish of the main part of my furniture but the heavy rains that plagued the Midwest put a damper on that so to speak. I never want to move again. Along with the rain came the thunder and lightening. So yea free cable, it's still free however I can't watch it. You guessed it lightening took out my TV. It was the most sickening ping/popping sound I have ever heard. During this same week of trying to get my life back to some semblance of order My mother calls and tells me that a family friend passed away. I have known that man for all of my life. He and his wife were very close friends to my parents. I will talk about that later.

Anyway back to the part of my life that was hellish but I can look back and laugh about. I am discovering that parking in the lot here at the new place is a bit tricky. If high gas prices kept me from driving too much the lottery that is parking here will definitely keep me biking it everywhere. If you are not in that lot by 5pm you are out on the street. For the most part I can do that and for several days I have just parked my car there and never drove. But there have been several nights that I have had to find scarce street parking. I am sure I will rant about this more later, that is more of a guarantee.

So while we are talking about the car let's talk about Wednesday and the stupidity of people. So here I am driving down Penn and some idiot is parked in a traffic lane. not just any traffic lane, but the one I was in. As I approach the drive makes what looks to be an attempt to start moving again but only a foot or two so I slow down and he inches some more. I decide fuck him I am going around him as I do I hear an even more sickening pop. Actually more like a gun shot as my tire blows. Now let me set up the visual for you. Penn is a one way street south. Three lanes the far left is parking only the other two are travel and there is no parking on the right. So I pull to the far left and get out to confirm I indeed popped a tire. Are you kidding me. So I empty the trunk that was full of my stuff because I was still trying to get my life in one place, and get the spare out. No I am sitting in the street taking the tire off and as I am doing this traffic continues. Now I ask you if you had two lanes to choose from, the left had a man sitting dangerously close to it and the right was empty of cars and people which one would you choose? Right I would have chosen to buzz and or clip the man in the street to. Wait no I would have pulled to the farthest lane so the man wouldn't have to stop what he was doing to get up to avoid being hit. Yea that is what I would do but the fucktards that were out driving that day thought it would be funny to piss me off. So after the 10th car that did that I just started flipping them off as they passed. I had a crowbar in my hand I was not afraid. And then some ass hole had the nerve to flip me off. I almost threw the spare tire at his car. I mean seriously why the hell would you not just pull over. This is why I hate most people. But other than that the week was great I got the last of my stuff into the apartment I lost my work keys and a little of my sanity.

Ok well I am going to go sit in a corner and rock back and forth and cry. Thank you have a good day. :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Moving pt 2

or how things got slightly better.

When we last left me I was pissed off and tired I had spent about 10 hours doing nothing but moving. I didn't even stop to eat, worst diet ever. Because of that I was sore for several days. Anyway for my last trip Romeo and FN came and helped get the last and do some cleaning up. I have to say I really appreciate my friends. Getting all that shit out in one day took a ton of work.

But things got better the next day when I was staying at Xena's and we began the world tour of our band "Jung and the Archetypes" We are very big in Northern Europe. See Ms. Xena and I spent much of the weekend honing our Rock Band skills on her Xbox 360. This is why I shouldn't own gaming platforms I would waste away playing them all day. But I must say the Jungian Archetypes may be playing in a town near you soon.

I was let into my new apartment on Monday and it has been glorious ever since. Well sorta, I will get into the sorta later, for now I want to thank Blanche, FN, Athena, Xena and Straight Male Choir Director (SMCD) I'll find a better name later. They helped me haul the biggest part of my life up 3 flights of stairs in June. God love em.

and what do you know free As Athena and I discussed upon entering a new apartment always do a few things make sure everything works, Outlets, Lights, water... the cable. Yes you would be surprised the number of place I have moved and discovered that the cable is still hooked up. Woo hoo free cable. After not having cable for the past 4 years of my life I swear in a two day span I tried to make up for it. I realized why I didn't have cable, for all those channels there is never anything on. But hey I ain't paying for it. Along with the free cable I also realized I had neighbor who do not secure their wifiinternet. What a day all I needed to do was find some cold beer in the fridge, imported beer none of that swill. No beer but looking out my bathroom window and onto the landing below what did I see. Anyone remember this well it wasn't double headed it was single headed and red. I swear why do these things follow me around. Well Romeo you are off the hook it is not you being haunted by dildos. I hope this isn't like the "Christmas Carol" where I will be visited by ghosts of Dildos past, present, and future. Seriously though I have no dildo past or present so I doubt that is what is going on, but if a third shows up I may start to panic.
There is still more to come look for Moving pt 3.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Moving pt 1

So my former land lord is a bitch. I mean a super bitch. Think "Kyle's Mom is a Big Fat Bitch". The story of me getting from one place to the other has become an epic I feel like Homer, more "Iliad" and less "Doh!"

So after I posted on Thursday I get a really bitchy phone call from... hmm let's call her CuntFace. She wanted to know if I was moving today. I said that my plan was to have everything down to the garage that day and spending the next day cleaning. Well she thought differently of that plan and basically demanded that I be out that day. Well I have not been that mad in a long time and I used that hated to get everything I own to Xena's garage. I said fuck it I wasn't leaving a damned thing there that day. Fucking bitch could fucking eat me. Can you tell I was a little upset. Well thankfully mom let me borrow her truck and Rockstar and Xena helped my get everything out of the house and got the place cleaned as much as I wanted to and could. I was running on some serious hate that day.

The only up shot to the day was that the new landlords finally called me back and we worked out that I could move in on Monday so I would only be homeless for a few days as opposed to the week I was looking at before. So yes something did go right, but a lot went wrong and CF will be hearing from one of my band parents who also happens to be a Lawyer. All I have to say to her now is don't fuck with me Bitch.