179 to go.
The first day of school went well. Of course the first day is nothing going over syllabi's and waiting to see who will drop or add. Like my 3rd period who most of where in the wrong section they were in Theory 2 but had never taken Theory 1 (the prerequisite) the one who had taken Theory 1 decided not to take Theory 2 and the one girl who "tested" into Theory 2 thought it would be better to take Theory 1. So that entire just switched to a Theory 1 class. It took about half the period to figure all that out. Theory 2 was a class I created last year to teach and when the schedule came out this year Special K was assigned to teach that class. I said "ummm wait that is my class." So they switched me to that and gave her my Applied Music class that can drive me to drink at times. That made me smile. It gets better though. I am already teaching 6 class periods a day with a study hall duty. Special K is also doing the same and one of her classes was 2 different classes in the same period. Well I had somehow eliminated one of my classes by getting kids into their correct classes. I tell you after the day I had I should be a guidance counselor. So I struck a deal with Special K. That I would take the Theory class she had to teach so she would only have one class that period if she would take the Jazz band that met in the morning. She said yes. So I started the day with 2 jazz bands, Concert/Marching band, Theory 2, Theory 1, Applied Recital, Independent Studies, and String Orchestra That is 8 classes to prep for, so now I have 1 Jazz Band, Concert/Marching, Theory 1, Applied recital, Indy Study, and Orchestra 6 classes I have to prep for. I know it sounds like I should shoot myself but this is much better trust me. Especially since I devised a way for the Independent studies kids to write their own syllabus and curriculum's and lesson plans, as part of their grade. I love it. Laziness is the mother of invention. Actually I think it will be a good learning tool for them, I hope it may backfire altogether.
So that was day one, here's hoping it stays relatively stress free. Yea I know... at least if it's stressful you may find it entertaining.
1 month ago
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