What I like about this blog is being able just to recap my day so often I will forget about things that interested me if I don't write them down. So this is helpful I also keep a separate journal that I believe Blanche is afraid of because who knows what I say in that one. :) But this is nice if for no other reason than for me to look back and read, nice memories that way.
Anyway so yesterday was a good day so much was going on. We had our first school mass of the year. To say the Catholic Church and I have had a falling out would be a colossal understatement. The parting of the ways happened almost three years ago at my fathers funeral. The priest that officiated the funeral represented to me the future of the church and he was a dip shit. So I want nothing to do with that church or really any church these days. But the priest at our school is truly a wonderful man. Example, during our faculty meeting on Tuesday a discussion on diversity of the school came up and how little we know of the 20% non catholic students culture and even the cultures of those who are catholic. To emphasis the point the moderator was using different traditions in weddings. Most of them I had seen or knew about. When the moderator made the comment that she personally believed the Man to be the head of the family, Father shot his hand in the air and begged to differ. He said that it was the responsibility of all members of the family to participate fully. When responsibility was abdicated to one person that is when things fall apart. I really had never in my life heard a priest make such a statement before. He also went on to ask if there was no Man in the family who then would run it. I suspect he would have also said if there were two men what then. Because when I was in college his church was the only catholic church in Indy that ran a group for homosexuals and I asked around and it wasn't a conversion group it was there to talk about how to be gay in the catholic faith. Which let me tell you have never found. I know there have been those who have but I have never found it and at this point in my life I don't think I even want to. The church I knew growing up has all but disappeared. One of my favorite things was midnight mass, and now they still call it midnight mass but start at 10pm. And that isn't the only thing they have changed but you know that is fine. I can live without it. So yea this priest I really dig, for being the age of dust he is a very forward thinking man and really reflects a different path of the church one that I feel is more in tune with the people than the pope. So that was mass.
This week I had been coming home and cashing out on the couch right after school but yesterday I wasn't going to let that happen I avoided that by not going home. I just stayed at school and did some work and then went to a recital. The recital was for a student of mine who just graduated and is heading to IU to be a piano performance major. He is one of the most gifted piano players I have ever taught. He is also a very fine trombone player. I say all this with he is 18, there are older better players but for his age and time on each instrument beyond average for that age. His true talent is in Jazz, he understands progressions better than I do. So when he was giving a recital I knew I had to be there. It was phenomenal, I wish I had had half that talent before heading to school. I also wish I could say I had more responsibility for his musical development but so much of it was his own desire to get where he is. I wish him the best of luck at school and I hope someday I can get a free copy of his cds. :)
1 month ago
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