Looking back at my entry for the Chicago trip I came to the conclusion that our trips are either really boring or I have gotten used to the shenanigans that go on that I over look them when recounting them. I must view them like I do breathing, I know it happens I just don't take note of it every time it happens. So when I forget to tell you about the fact we almost missed our train twice or that not one but two celebrities died or that FN was overly flirty with new people or Romeo said something silly or Blanche did something stupid or I was moody. It's because all that is so second nature to our trips. Everything about our personal foibles is pretty par for the course and so is a celebrity death watch or sudden death of a celeb. But we had 2 celebs die this weekend, so a moment of silence for Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes. I am sure when we were heading home the celebrity community breathed a sigh of relief.
Now as for missing our train that was pretty funny. As I was running out my door quite literally I got a call from FN saying that Romeo was running late and that I had a few extra minutes. I thought, great now I can run to the store and grab a bite to eat. Well apparently noon on a Friday is the time to do your weekly shopping at the downtown Marsh. As I stood with a banana and a coke zero in my hand I got into a line that never moved. there were a grand total of 3 lines open and roughly a thousand people who needed to check out. The funniest, I say funniest but I meant infuriating, part was that each of the 3 lines had people with over flowing carts and then a line of people with one or two items. One guy actually had 2 carts. The line I was in the women was using vouchers that were from the looks of it worth only $3 each and each one had it's own transaction system and 3 employees had to be there to help. You could only scan 2-3 items then print up the receipt and then sign the voucher and have an employee sign it that lather, rinse, repeat. I stood for 15-20 minutes and never moved. I put down my items in line and left. So with that and Romeo running late we had lost our 30 minute cushion and so we couldn't make any unnecessary stops. We were doing well on time except we hit traffic that moved at a snails pace. The funny part was that as we pulled up there was our train. Of course by the time we would have gotten the luggage out and Blanche and Romeo had their cigarettes we wouldn't have made it. So we decided we had 2 hours till the next train lets get lunch. So in East Chicago there is no restaurants, which baffles me because there are a lot of fat people there. so we used all of our 2 hours to find a McDonald's and barely make it back in time to catch the second train. Had it been on time I am not sure we would have made it, which would have just been pathetic on our part. But we made it and all was well.
Wow I was right we are just really boring.
1 month ago
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