Yes another year is upon my and yet again I found myself in the faculty meeting from hell. Though I must say it wasn't as bad as last year. At least we were not driven to a different location. The day started with a mass and then on to important things. Like blah, blah, blah, crap I don't care about. 3 hours later we had lunch.
Really the whole day just drug on I was so happy when it was over. Not that there was a lot of stupidity, unlike last year. It was just boring. A colegue pointed out that there was no coffee and stated "Don't they know we need coffee because we are not used to being up this early yet." "And it's so damned boring." I added. And it was.
Last year we had an instance where one simple piece of information had to be repeated 9 million times because people were just to stupid to live. Example..."This year first period tardies will be different. Instead of sending students back to the front office to get a pass you will simply mark them tardy in the computer and we will track it in the front office and handle the detentions from there." Simple right? Well apparently this was too much to process because this is what happened next.
Fuctard 1 "So do we send them back to the office if they are late?"
Moderator: "No, just mark them late and we will take care of it."
Fuctard 2: "So when do we give them detentions?"
Moderator: "You don't we will take care of it."
Fuctard 3: "When they come to my class late for first do I send them back down to the main office to get a pass?"
Moderator" "No."
Fuctard 1: "Do we email the front office that people are late?"
Moderator: "No just put it in the attendance program on your computer we will take it from there."
Fuctard 4: "So how do the detentions work, do we hand them out?"
Moderator: "No, we will handle it in the front office."
Now imagine this going on much like this for 20 minutes. So you would understand my frustration when during a presentation about how to make the school a little more green when I believe fuctard 1 asked this question. "So could someone go over first period tardies again." It was bad enough that she had asked that question but what I would like to know is how that had to do with keeping the campus more environmentally sound unless she meant for me to bludgeon her till she died and we used her as organic fertilizer. I swear Teachers make the worst students. I know I was texting for most of the meeting, doodling and talking with my neighbors for most of the time. I was just so bored I was so very close to pulling out a book and reading. Maybe I will do that for our next faculty meeting.
1 month ago
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