You didn't even notice I was gone? Well screw you too.
Anyway, I had a somewhat uneventful week at camp and that is a good thing. Last year there was a lot of ridiculousness. Not so this year the Jackassery was on the low side. Lots of sun and threats of rain. I think I really enjoyed this year more than any previous band camp. Let me back us up a week. Before we leave I am told by Special K that she may need to have a knee replacement. This really wasn't the problem until she mentioned that she would be out of work for 6-8 weeks. Now one would think this would be great that I could have this band unhindered for 6-8 week. The last time she had to take significant time off I taught her classes and mine at the time we both had 2 less classes. That would be 11 classes I would have to prep for and teach for 6-8 weeks. But wait, you say, how many class periods do you have? The answer is 8 periods in a day and I would cover all but one with a class which means I would have 4 periods where I would teach two classes at the same time. To that I say, hells no! So to prevent all of this nonsense she has talked her Dr. into letting her loose some weight and try some therapy and postpone this knee repllacement for a good long while. So that meant she needed to be off her feet. Which meant I was on the mic 90% of the time this week. It is amazing what we can get done. So that is why I enjoyed this week.
Now on to the lameness of the week. The children yet again tried to prank me but wow how sad it was. First one night they put chicken bullion cubes in the shower head. Of course I turn the shower on before I even step one foot in. So I smelled it immediately and knew what was up and let it run itself clean. and then I took a shower. No biggie, so I was up for 20 minutes longer than planned, but I didn't smell like chicken. Then last night apparently the kids tied my door knob to the door knob across the hall. The kids are woken up at 6:30am I however can sleep to 7:15ish and still be fine and I do. Well they gathered at 6:30 to watch me tug at my door. Well I am still in bed and a chaperon walks by and say they thought I was already up and gone for the day. They left pissed, but the person across the hall wanted out to pee so the chaperon let him out and left the rope undone and on the floor so when I finally emerged from my room. I found a loose rope tied to my doorknob. To that I say Lame.
As we were finishing up at the field 2 of the drum majors walked over and asked if Special K and I would be in a picture with the seniors. I said yes if only all the water coolers had been dumped before I allow myself to be surrounded by 32 seniors. He said "Oh we won't be near the coolers." "Uh huh, this sounds like a set up to me." The other drum major says "It's not a set up." and starts smirking. "You are the worst liar."
So as we wind down Special K, who has been duped says for all the seniors to gather for a photo. I am standing next to my car at this point with the guard instructor and I see them charging across the field and we jump in and lock the doors. They proceed to climb onto my car and the Saran wrap me into it. That is fine it just guarantees I won't be doused with water. They finally clear away so I can drive off and take all of that off my car. I then park where they can't find me and sneak back to make sure things are getting loaded. I find out they are waiting out front of the building to throw a bucket of water on me. I go out the back and head home. So the Senior class of 09 I say, Lame!
1 month ago
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