Because of an assembly today my 2 prep periods got put back to back. So instead of delegently prepping for the rest of my classes today I decided to do this instead. I feel this is a better use of my time anyway. The classes are reduced to about 35 minutes so I think I can tread water for most of that.
So I have found that most of the students think I don't swear and if you know me and my frequent usage of words like fuctard or cunticle, you know this to not be true. So it made it very funny this morning when I get to school this morning and 2 of my favorite seniors that just graduated stopped by the office. I closed the door and we were talking and I noticed that I was just dropping swear words left and right. Normally this is how I would talk if I was frustrated and I was but these two had never heard me do that. I look at it this way, they are not my students anymore I don't really care. I don't think they did either they were just finding it very amusing.
I am looking forward to the weekend. Not much to do and no day I have to be up early. I also plan to hit the gym seriously this weekend. I have gone twice this week because I have been afraid to step on a scale after Vegas and my eating habits went to hell and my frequent use of the gym went to nothing. But yesterday I stepped on the scale before heading to the Pride mixer and woo hoo I am 216. Consider I started at 232 this is very good. Before Vegas my last weigh in was 219. So I am trying to convince the Mean Girls to give it another try at the Biggest looser thing. Not so much that I want to win but I would like the motivation. And winning is nice. I somehow became the defacto winner. But that is good.
So we will see.
Tonight we are going over to Romeo's because his roommate is having a mojito party and whenever there is free booze I am there. So hey maybe there will be a drunken blog entry later. *fingers crossed*
1 month ago
1 comment:
what, no To Kill a Mockingbird references....
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